My Online Social Media Presence

Which social media platform will work best for my business | Business Clan

For as long as Facebook has been created and popularized, my life has been posted about. Not necessarily on my own social media, but on my mom's own page.  I have always joked with my friends that if you ever needed to dig dirt on bad photos of me or wanted to know what my family and I were up to, to check my mom's Facebook.  She posts about everything that goes on in our life, whether that was at a sports game on the weekends or visiting family.  She would even tag our location spots too.  This used to drive my dad and me crazy, but we have just adapted to it now.  There's an article posted below that describes a story very similar to mine, except that I did not vow to not use social media.  I too was allowed to have social media when I turned 13 as well.  Since then I joined almost every social media platform there is.  

My social media accounts conclude having Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, TikTok, and Pinterest.  Depending on which platform it is I either use it every day or not at all. For example, I use TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat every day.  Those are my three main uses of social media.  While I do check Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter often they are not my go-to apps.  I also mainly use Facebook for business and keeping up with my school programs and studies.  Lastly, I use LinkedIn and Pinterest the least, these apps are for occasional use when needed.  Also, recently with this past semester of school, I have now created two blog websites for class and have uploaded weekly blog posts.  That is a new type of social media that I have never done before.

In terms of privacy, I like to keep most of my social media private and only allow friends to see my accounts if I have accepted their follow requests.  This is to protect me and my life from people who could possibly want to hack me, steal my identity, threaten me, and just from the creeps of this world. The amount of times a "sugar daddy" has requested to follow me and have dm me on Instagram is disgusting.  Although, with the benefits of being private I can just delete the request, block them if need be, or ignore it without them knowing I did it.  The only type of personal information I have given out to social media websites and for people to see is what's in my bios, my profile pictures, and my email, and sometimes my birthday.  I will not give out my phone number, address, and other personal information that is not needed to calculate my usage on the app.  Overall, my social presence is known, but I manage it at an appropriate level.


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