Agenda Setting Theory

 Agenda Setting Theory - MEDIA @ SCSC

Agenda Setting Theory is the notion of mass media setting a specific agenda tailored to a targeted audience so that the people will see what the media wants them to see.  This tactic allows the mass media to control what the public "should" care about.  This theory was created by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw in 1972.  They created 3 types of agenda-setting: public, media, and policy.  The public is defined as the public choosing an agenda and what stories are considered important.  The media chooses the agenda and what stories are considered important.  Agenda Setting Policy is when both the public and the media are influencing the decisions of the public (Alvernia, 2018). 

There are two levels and implications regarding the Agenda Setting theory.  The first is used by researchers to study the uses of media, objectives, and influences from the exposure from people and that information given. The media is using certain filters and shapes so that we can see what the media wants us to see, unlike showing random stories with no set agenda (Communication Theory). The second implication focuses on how people should think and the basic nature the issues arise.  This level includes the audience and their interests. “In fact, media wants to grab attention and implant thoughts in people's minds about some serious issues. That’s why media turn certain issues viral” (Communication Theory). These implications are definite pros for agenda setting, although there are some criticisms that come along with it. The main issue is that some of the research is seen as inconclusive when trying to create a relationship between the public and the media. Also, there has been a massive increase in social media use over the last decade, this makes it harder to convince the public that the media is the one setting an agenda. This means that the Agenda Setting Theory is inactive if people already have their minds set on a specific standard of news presented.

Overall, when looking at specific segments we have in the world like old/young, male/female, and gay/straight, there can be many viewpoints on this theory. As a society, the mass media is already choosing an agenda of what is being reported and shared on social media platforms. The public first views what the media puts out there and depending on the segment, it might cause a problem. For example the gay/straight segment might have different political viewpoints on whats put on the news. If there are riots about politics or the LGBTQ+ community this segment would have a stronger view point on whats being talked about in the media. Therefore, having the media have an agenda over this topic and making it a priority in the news would peak interest for this segment. Also, it would affect my family and me by censoring specific topics depending on which news source it comes from. Each of my family memebers have different views and opinons so knowing that agenda setting does their research correcntly, depends on what will be shown on the differnt types of media we entertain ourselves with.


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