EOTO Presentations From Other Groups

 While listening to the three other groups there were a few presentations that stood out more than others.  The first presentation that caught my eye was "The History of Podcasts" and the second was "Video Recorder History".  Bellow, I will mention facts I found interesting about each podcast and why I was intrigued by them. 

"The History of Podcasts"

Being a communication major I personally have dabbled in creating podcasts.  Therefore, I was interested in how they have created and the history behind them.  Adam Curry and Dave Winer were the two people who started podcasts, in the year 2004 was when the first one launched.  From 2004 to now the podcast industry has grown immensely!  Apple saw podcasts as a good investment and made a podcast section available for all Apple users to use. The biggest fact that shocked me was that in current times there have been over 90 million US podcast listeners a month.  That is insane to me.  I personally love podcasts, they are a great distraction when driving a long drive home from college and music starts to bore me. 

"Video Recorder History" 

Amazon.com: VHS-C - Camcorders / Video: Electronics


Also playing off my communication background, I thought it was fascinating to learn more about video recorders and their history.  Charles Ginsburg was the man who invented them at his work "Apex Corporation".  The first version VTR was sold for $50,000 in 1956, and knowing what time era that was proves how expensive that purchase truly was.  From there the evolution kept growing and advancing as technology grew.  Sony created new versions every decade and that truly shows how technology evolves fast.  I have to say that is one of my favorite things about video recorders and technology in general, the fact that you can always expect something new and brilliant.  I've caught myself thinking how is it that after all these years, new inventions are made every day and are still evolving! 


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