My Top 5 News Sources

How To Improve Your Google News Ranking 

   Growing up in the Wilke household, there was always some form of news channel playing in the distance.  Therefore, engraving the love for listening to the news and being updated on the world even more.   If I had to choose 5 news sources that I would go to on a daily basis, each one would be more different than the last.  Different in terms of the news topics provided, which platform I was using, and how trustworthy the information is.  The following 5 sources are my choices of newsworthy content:    

Today Show:
    The Today Show has always been a news source I have watched.  Mainly I watch it on TV during the morning to see what new stories have been released.  The latest story I found out about was the death of the "Wakonda King" Chadwick Boseman.  I like receiving the latest gossip on celebrities and regular news events from the Today Show because they are always up to date on what's new.  I also trust the information because when I check other sources the information is the same.  I would choose the Today Show over another news channel like Fox News because the Today Show is less political news than Fox News.  I dislike listening to anything political.  I would rather stay away from it personally.

Apple News:

    Apple News may not be the most used news source, but I receive daily emails from Apple News providing me with the latest information. I believe Apple News is trustworthy because of how widespread Apple is on so many platforms.  If it provided the wrong information they would receive a lot of backlashes.  Although, I like how the emails are normally very organized in a bullet format. Where if im interested in the story/brief description I can click on the title and it will take me to the full story.  I also enjoy how it updates me on the most recent COVID-19 updates. I check my emails every morning. Therefore, the email format I receive this news from is very easy and accessible; which is why I might choose it over another news format for the daily news.

Weather Channel: 

    The Weather Channel is probably my most used news format.  My mom taught me to always know how the weather will be for the day that way you know how to dress and prepare for what the day's weather will bring.  I mainly use the app on my phone to check the temperature and weather every day.  Although, I will use the TV version if there is a big storm or hurricane coming so that I can hear the live footage.  During the summer one of my favorite things on the app is when it shows the UV Index.  This allows me to know how tan I can get that day.  I trust this weather site way more than the average phone weather app because it is used nationally and provides so many more details.

Google News:

    Google has always been an easily accessible website and source.  I mainly use the app because it allows me to look up any information I've heard from friends, family, teachers, or any other form of communication.  I like using Google for searching news because it can give me multiple new sources at the click of a button.  Knowing whether to trust the information is based on my prior judgment.  I would trust a national news article if it's from either NBC, Fox, or .org sites.  I would not trust an article from a random cite or a Wiki site.

BBC News:

    BBC News comes in two formats for me when viewing the channel.  Either on an app on my phone or by watching it on the TV.  It covers world news and is based out of London.  They're usually straight forward when posting stories on the news.  The past few years the press has seemed to be biased in politics, whatever political party they follow the press writes about it.  BBC is different they are straight forward, you can draw your own conclusions from their posts and make it what you want. I trust their world stories and news posts because their reporters are not biased or focused on one political party.


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