Antiwar Voices and Their Stories

    Growing up in a military household, I have heard about most things that are going on in the world.  Although, when I found out about the military actions it was mainly word of mouth from my father. I have a strong love for the military and how they protect our country.  My dad fought for our country for over 30 years, yet when you mentioned these antiwar voices, I was introduced to a new side I've never really noticed or heard of. While reading the websites and American Conservative they each had a very obvious stand on the issues they wrote about. My opinion on the matter is that these websites don't have all the facts it's all opinion based and politically motivated. 

Antiwar website:

    While observing the Antiwar website I thought it was very cluttered with its information and that there was a lot going on.  It got to the point that it was overwhelming.  Although, some good points were the number of stories they had provided as well as having "Breaking News" and "Highlights" at the top of the page.  They also have an updated page to today's date, which I thought was impressive.  With the link provided above, I read a story they wrote recently about the "US Special Ops Using Secret Drone Missiles in Northwest Syria".  The story wrote about how there was a missile strike sent out to Syria to target people and kill them. The secretive aspect is what upset the writer and how it allegedly killed an al-Qaeda affiliated group.  

American Conservative:

    American Conservative was a lot more organized, there are tabs that can pull down that show the blogs, specific categories, podcasts, videos, and more.  There's even a place to donate at the top of the page. When pulled up to the page there are blogs that you can click on if they pique your interest.  One of them I chose was "Living with a Nuclear North Korea".  This article described the danger of Korea having nuclear weapons and how they went from being a harmless country to the world's 9th nuclear weapons state.  They then go into detail of how the choices we make today to keep this known will lead to consequences in the future. 

    Analyzing these two websites was a new world I never knew existed.  Although, I do find it fascinating how these issues are so hidden from the public eye.  Unless you knew where to look or what to research.  I believe that the reason we have to seek out these obscure websites is that the public is so normalized to hearing about war topics.  There are also a lot of people who side for having the military and their efforts to protect the US.  The reason we don't particularly hear about these topics on the Antiwar and American Conservative websites is that the news is meant to entertain the public.  The news is too focused on politics and the election to show anything else. 
